5 Reasons We’re Glad To Be at Home
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The bright side of COVID-19 “home time.”
There’s no doubt; these are unprecedented times. As we practice social distancing and stay at home for our nation’s safety, there are significant adjustments to be made in our work, social, and family habits.
Yet, here we are, and the opportunities to make this an impactful and enjoyable time are all around us. In short, it’s time to “bloom where we are planted.” Let’s celebrate 5 reasons we’re glad to be at home.
1) This is your space

First of all, count your home as a blessing. No matter how small, crowded, noisy, or messy, it’s yours, so let’s give it a little love.
Make the most of your space. Many of you are setting up spaces for work and school work. It’s a good time to assess clutter and reorganize to make what space you have work for you now and in the future. It would be ideal to have a separate room for each of these, but If you use a dining table or a kitchen counter as your workspace, keep a basket nearby to remove your work items, so they don’t get damaged during meal times. If you have a garage, consider leaving your cars outside while you use that space for other needs.
We’re all guilty of avoiding nagging chores —cleaning out a closet, a garage, or that kitchen catch-all drawer. But while you’re confined to your home, there’s never been a better time to get them done. Consider the completion of each chore as a little victory and celebrate with an indulgence —a bubble bath, brownies, or just a little happy dance.
2) You’re a better cook than you think

It’s smart to have a fully stocked pantry for emergencies and even smarter to know what to do with all those items. When the gourmet ingredients run out, it’s time to get down to some old-school favorites. Bring out the recipes you loved as a child, and introduce them to your kids. (Show of hands: Who remembers creamed chipped beef on toast? Don’t all say “yuck” at once.) You can even make an entertaining guessing game of little-used kitchen gadgets.
Cooking foods at a minimum temperature of 158°F can kill the coronavirus. So, even sautéing or using your slow cooker on low should do the job. As always, use safe food handling advice and wash your hands often when working with raw meat and vegetables.
Get the whole family involved. These days are the perfect excuse to set the table and have everyone sit down at once. Teach kids the proper table setting (fork on the left), dust off some long-forgotten serving dishes, play some soft music, and light a few candles. Make dinner an event!
3) Getting to know you

Remember when “quality time” was the catchphrase? Well, now we have the time to engage with each other in quality conversation. While a lot of our usual activities are on hold, plan for times each day to do things together, screen-free.
You may finally have enough players and time to complete your favorite board games. (“Mr. Mustard, in the kitchen, with the candlestick” never gets old.) Dig out the ancient photo albums and get to know your family history. Play some music you haven’t heard in years. And while your kids are rolling their eyes, ask them to share one of their current favorites.
Take time to be outside. Play “I Spy” while taking a walk or sitting on a balcony. A little family yard work can dig up some new and interesting insights on people’s skills and interests.
Parents are facing enormous issues now while juggling work, school, and play within the confines of home. Each person copes with stress differently, so learn the signs when someone needs a little breathing room. It’s okay to lock yourself in the bathroom and count to ten. Remember, we’re doing this to protect our nation and the people we love — even when they get on our last nerve.
4) Sharing through technology

Everyone is experiencing a little separation anxiety right now. Grandparents are missing their grandkids. Young adults are missing their social life. Employees are even missing their associates. This is where we count communication via technology as another blessing.
Make an appointment to connect with family and friends via FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, or other video conferencing apps. Put together a virtual coffee break, storytime, or cocktail party. It’s a great way to entertain friends without having to clean the house. Just make sure to find a spot in your home that gets adequate Wi-Fi and has a presentable backdrop behind you.
Many churches, gyms, and organizations are offering services and meetings online. Do a little research to find new ways to connect with others around shared interests. This may be a time that you make new friendships that will last long beyond this period of isolation.
5) Feather your nest

This may not be the time to do a remodeling project you had planned, but it’s a great time to look around your home and spruce things up a bit with simple decorating ideas. A can of paint and a few uninterrupted hours can transform a room. Find some blossoms or greenery outside to fill a bowl or vase. Use candles or oil diffusers to set a pleasant mood with a happy scent. Prepare a special place to be your reading, sketching, or daydreaming nook. It can be little more than a comfy chair with a good reading lamp or a window that brings in natural light, but let it be your retreat.
This is also a great opportunity to gather ideas for a home transformation once we emerge from social distancing. Take a stroll through your home and imagine new updates indoors and out. Make a Pinterest board and do a little online research about new entryways, room designs, flooring, kitchen ideas, etc.
When you’re ready, Window World will be there for you. We’re committed to serving you in good times and bad. Your health and safety are our number one priority. As an alternative to in-home quotes, we are now offering free consultations virtually or by phone. Contact your local Window World store to learn more about the best option to meet your needs.
Rest assured, there will be better days. And if we work together to make the most of our time indoors, we’ll all come out ahead. Stay home. Stay safe. Stay in touch with your ideas.